Arduino Basics

A small crash course on the Arduino micro-controller.

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for anyone making interactive projects. We will be using the Arduino micro-controller to interface with the motor and servo(s).

Getting Started

Materials Required

  • Arduino UNO
  • UNO compatible USB cable
  • A laptop or computer for programming the Arduino


  1. Download and install the Arduino IDE (Integrated development environment) for your OS
  2. Launch the Arduino IDE.
  3. Connect the Arduino UNO to your computer via a USB cable.
  4. Go to File >> Examples >> 01. Basics >> Blink
  5. Choose the correct board by navigating to Tools >> Board >> Arduino/Genuino UNO
  6. Choose the correct board by navigating to Tools >> Port >> COMx (Arduino UNO) on Windows or /dev/ttyACMx on Linux
  7. Click the Upload button (arrow pointing to the right).
  8. You should see that the on-board LED on the Arduino (pin 13) blinks every second.
  9. You can also hook up an external LED to the GND and digital pin 13 to make the that LED blink.
  10. Try changing delay(1000) to delay(3000) and see what happens
  11. You have successfully completed your first Arduino program.


  • Fetch sensor data
  • Program servo