GitHub Basics

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control, backups and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.

Getting Started


  1. If you haven’t already, create a GitHub account.
  2. On a browser, navigate to the PiCar GitHub Repository
  3. Fork the repo to create a copy of the master PiCar repo on your account.
  4. Under your repositories navigate to your version of the PiCar repo.
  5. Clone (download) the repo to your computer
Linux / Mac
  • Copy the cloning link from your forked repo.
  • Install Git:
sudo apt-get install git
  • Make a new directory and navigate to it:
mkdir projects/github
cd projects/github
  • Clone the repo (replace <username> with your GitHub username)
git clone<username>/PiCar.git

6. Once you have made changes to the code or documentation, you need to commit the changes to the remote repo.

  • GitHub Desktop will automatically track changes you have made to the local repo.
  • Click on the pull repository icon to update your local branch with the remote branch
  • Enter a commit message and hit the Commit button
  • Click on the push repository icon to update the remote branch with your local branch
Linux / MacOS
git pull
git add *
git commit -m "your message here"
  • git pull updates your local repo with the remote repo
  • git add * checks your local repo for changes and aggregates them for commits
  • git commit saves the new version and has a unique hash identifier
  • If you want to find that hash, you can use git rev-parse --short HEAD to fetch it.


It is helpful to leave useful commit messages so that other contributors can see what you have done.

  1. Push your changes to the master branch of your forked repo.
git push
  • It will prompt you for your username and password, enter them.

8. Once the local changes have been pushed to remote successfully, go back to the original Picar GitHub Repository.

  1. Click on Pull Requests >> New Pull Request >> Compare against forks
  2. The base fork should be xz-group/PiCar; change the headfork to <username>/PiCar

11. You can see what changes (additions and deletions) will be created with the Pull Request. Add a title and a short description and submit the Pull Request.

12. If you are a direct contributor on the main repo, you can navigate to Picar GitHub Repository. >> Pull Requests >> Merge Pull Request as long as there are no conflicts. If you’re not a direct contributor, you will need to wait until your Pull Request is merged with the master branch.


Google and StackOverflow are your friends. Use them when you run into an issue with git (merge conflicts, etc.)
