PiCar Mobile Movement Control


This report is aimed at introducing new researchers to the findings and progress made on the PiCar Project as of July, 2018 regarding the movement control of the PiCar. This report will cover the currently implemented features of the PiCar, including semi-automated movement, a killswitch, real-time user control using WASD on a keyboard, a replay function, and data collection. Additionally, the last section of the report covers known issues with the PiCar which includes inaccurate servo controls and noisy Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data.


While uploading the Arduino program, if there is an issue with the Simpletimer library, download the Simpletimer.h file from the Official Arduino Codebase, and place it in the same folder as the WASD.ino file.


  • Hayden Sierra
  • Daniel Kelly